How to courses and software for email marketing
and advertising your business via opt in mailing lists.


Business Course in Permission Email Marketing

The Email Marketing Course

"The Business Course in Permission Email Marketing"
by Planet Ocean Communications

According to expert - Email marketing will be dead 18 months from now. This is your LAST CALL to start Permission Email Marketing.... before it's too late.

 Permission Email Marketing SolutionsGuess what? Did you know that reverse filtration of email is about to be common place in email software programs. It's similar to Messenger or ICQ, where you have to get permission from the other person in order to send them messages. In other words, if you are not on my "permission list" your email will get filtered into the trash. I'll never see it or read it.

Also, did you know that you only have 18 months from now to get your name into your customer's email box? That is what Stephen Mahaney, president of Planet Ocean said. I'm not sure whether Stephen is saying this as a marketing that you rush out and buy his product. I know when it comes to marketing, Stephen is usually right and he knows his stuff.

Once more, did you know that "Email Marketing Manager" will be one of the highest paid and most sought after individuals in the coming years? It's true! The big brick and mortar "dirt world" companies are waking up to using email as a powerful tool. And when they do, there will be 10 times the competition for your inbox.

All this is about to change, as the big world companies are taking notice of email as a marketing medium. Stephen's Business Course in Permission Email Marketing will probably become the standard text book for learning email marketing within the next two years. Only problem is.... by then it will be too late.

Remember, this is LAST CALL. You only have 18 months to build your opt-in email list. Your customers and prospects must recognize your name by then, otherwise it will be too late. If you don't start now, you won't be able to ever again. People will get so flooded with permission lists, that if people haven't heard from you, you'll never break through the clutter.

If you want to get the inside story on all the latest email marketing techniques, then you need this course. Stephen Mahaney of Planet Ocean has completely rewritten the two year old "Email Marketing Course" with a new and improved "Business Course in Permission Email Marketing". There is 30% more content than the old course. And you'll love the direct way the information is presented.

The course takes only a couple of days and is jam packed with what you need to know to create your own permission mailing list. You'll learn responsible email direct marketing or EDM for short. Understand the risks involved and avoid trouble with your internet service provider. You'll learn how to put together a sales letter that establishes a relationship between you and your prospect. How to present benefits in ways that solve problems and make sales.

Plus as an added bonus you get Arial's merging software. This "must have" software makes it easy to merge personalized sales letters with a comma delimited database export.

I used the Email Marketing Course and Arial Email Merge for over a year. The course and software work incredibly well and is simply the shortest route to increased profits.

Here's what you get....

  • enormous one year money back guarantee
  • extremely low risk, spam free advertising tactics increases traffic at virtually no cost
  • how to create lists of people that want to receive mail from you
  • Ten sources for building those high quality permission email lists
  • how to master the art of ZERO complaints
  • how to increase sales while reestablishing customer and prospect relationships
  • the six critical ingredients of every successful email sales message
  • how to integrate email with the rest of your marketing, including the one rule, you must never, ever, break
  • includes Arial's Merge Software to customize sales letters
  • includes a detailed tutorial on how to use the software, plus online resources to maximize the profitability of your campaigns
  • available for Windows 95/98/200x and compatible emulators
  • one of the most powerful and effective selling tools available today

order risk free now for only $97.00

To learn more about Planet Ocean Communications and the permission email marketing course, click here.

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